McDonald is a borough in Allegheny and Washington counties in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, 18 miles (29 km) southwest of Pittsburgh. In the past, factories of bottles, oil-well drilling tools, flour-mill products, etc., existed here. Oil and coal were and still are procured in the area. The population was 2,282 at the 2020 census. Of this, 1,644 were in Washington County, and 638 were in Allegheny County.

McDonald’s government includes an elected mayor, an elected seven-member borough council and an appointed borough manager/secretary-treasurer. The borough’s tax collector is also elected. The mayor, council members and tax collector are all elected to four-year terms. All of the council seats are at-large.

The borough is served by the Fort Cherry School District.



Saturday, March 29th – 2nd Annual Women at Work Vendor Show & Fundraiser

Sponsored by Body Systems Fitness.  Saturday March 29th, 12pm to 4pm. In honor of Women’s History Month. Click here for info


Saturday, April 5th – Spaghetti Dinner

Spaghetti Dinner at McDonald Presbyterian Church. Sponsored by Heroes Supporting Heroes. Saturday April 5th 4pm to 7pm.  Adult $10, Child $5. Dinner and Raffles. Eat in or Take out.  Tickets can be bought at the door or pre-purchased at Click here


Saturday, April 5th – Lunch with the Bunny

Sponsored by Heritage Public Library. Saturday April 5th 11am to 12:30 or 1pm to 2:30. At the Heritage Library. Join the Easter Bunny for Lunch. Crafts, games, giveaways, facepaint, raffles.  $10 for age 13 and older, $8 age 12 and younger. Please register by March 28th. Click here for flyer


Monday, April 7th – Borough Council Meeting

McDonald Borough Council April monthly meeting.  All meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 7pm at the McDonald Borough Building. An agenda will be posted on the agenda page of this website when available and at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

This is the invite for the 2025 McDonald Borough Monthly Meetings if you opt to participate virtually.  When it comes time to join the meeting, please use the link below that says “Click here to join the meeting” on your smartphone or PC.

                The Teams app will launch and allow you to join as a guest

                When the browser window presents with three (3) options, select the option to Continue in Browser… and provide your name as a guest



Friday, April 18th – McDonald VFD Annual Good Friday Fish Fry

McDonald VFD Fish Fry, April 18th 11am to 7pm. 150 N. McDonald Street. Click here for FLYER


Saturday, April 19th – McDonald Easter Egg Hunt

McDonald Parks & Recreation Board presents the Annual Easter Egg Hunt. April 19, 2025. 11am at Heritage Park.  Ages 0-11. Click here for FLYER


Saturday, June 7th – 10th Annual McDonald Area Yard Sales

Everyone in McDonald is welcome to have a garage or yard sale, the more then better. A map will be available of the registered sales. Area in Heritage Park will be available for table/tent sales or vendors.  More information will follow.


Saturday, June 7th – Crusin’ Classics Car Show

June 7th, 10am to 4pm.  Heritage Park. Click here for FLYER


Saturday, July 26th to August 2nd- McDonald VFD’s McSummerfest

McDonald McSummerfest.  Save the date! More info will follow.



Announcement: Beginning in February 2025, the bridge that spans Robb Run at the intersection of Barr Street and Arabella Street will be closed indefinitely due to structural issues and potential safety concerns.
New traffic patterns will be implemented on Barr Street, from Center Avenue to S. McDonald Street, restricting it to local traffic only. Please refrain from using private parking lots to bypass this bridge closure. Barr Street will be adjusted for two-way travel between Center Avenue and S. McDonald Street to ensure residents have access to their homes and emergency vehicles can navigate properly. Parking will remain on one side only along this portion of Barr Street.
McDonald Trash Collection  – Effective July 1st, 2022 McDonald trash collection will be serviced by County Hauling.  Regular trash collection will be every Wednesday and recycling pickup is every other week.  If you need to contact County Hauling, phone number (724) 929-7694 or email

Keep updated on McDonald Boro news on Facebook; “McDonaldPennsylvania”.

MS4 Compliance Documentation – OUR PETS & STORMWATER POLLUTION Help prevent pet-waste pollution. CLICK HERE FOR FLYER

MS4 Compliance Documentation – CAR WASHING POLLUTION PREVENTION Protecting fish and other aquatic life from harmful pollutants. CLICK HERE FOR FLYER

MS4 Compliance Documentation – FALL FOLIAGE FOULS STORMWATER RUNOFF Reap the benefits of proper leaf disposal. CLICK HERE FOR FLYER

The Washington County Transportation Authority (Freedom Transit) provides bus service between McDonald and Washington with stops along the route. Bus stops are at Havloch Commons (Coal Street),  Giant Eagle (Station Street), and Heritage Library (4th Street). Other stops along the way include the Senior Center in Cecil, Senior Center in Canonsburg, Shop n’ Save in Canonsburg, Pike Inn in Houston, The Meadows and shopping areas in Washington. The service operates Monday thru Friday 6:45a.m. – 7:30p.m. with trips every 90 minutes. For more information please visit

Parking in the Borough on Saturdays and Sundays is free at all meters.